Month: February 2021

Joined The Long Island CW Club

I’ve now been learning morse code since the end of June and more consistently since September, over Christmas I have let it slip a bit, but still continuing to practice. After a recent talk from Howard WB2UZE I joined the Long Island CW Club, previously I’d looked into this but the timings of the beginner classes didn’t seem to suit UK times, however now I have reasonable grasp of the characters there are far more classes at times which suit and the joining price is very reasonable.

A week in I’ve really enjoyed the meetings I’ve gone to and everyone is very friendly. In hindsight I could have joined at any point and sat in on other meetings/classes as I was going through the characters, there are a number of members who do that and it’s fine not to participate but just to listen.

I look forward to continuing more meetings and improving my morse code and would thoroughly recommend anyone learning morse code to join.