Month: December 2021

A Tentative Start to the IF Board

I’ve made a very tentative start to the IF board for the sudden transceiver project, it’s the largest and most complicated module (well it’s really a set of modules) so I’m taking stock as I try to figure the best way to attack it, however I’ve made a start by cutting the board, marking it out and attaching the crystals. I’ve used a few extra of the Manhattan squares to attach the crystals as one block.

RF Amp Transformer Rewound

This afternoon I had a few minutes spare so I rewound the incorrectly wound RF amp transformer, it’s wound in the opposite direction to the other one as for some reason that’s the direction I’d wound the 20 wind part and I thought I’d rewind the 3 winds rather than the 20 winds!

I still need to test the gain on these amps and tweak the bias, not got round to that yet.

RF Probe

As part of the QRP build group Steve G0FUW has provided build documents for a couple of pieces of test equipment. I started building this a few weeks ago but needed to get some bits – croc clips, banana plugs and finally some stiff wire. Getting the Christmas decorations last weekend I spotted some nice stiff copper wire and so finally finished off the build. It is simple and uses a multimeter for readings, but does the job.

RF Amps

I’ve finally got going with second part of the Sudden SSB N6QW Transceiver, I had a couple of false starts when I was missing components, not helped by the fact that I didn’t realise that I needed two of these to begin with…should have read the build document more thoroughly!

Having completed both amps the voltages all seem to be vaguely reasonable, however I have made a mistake. I incorrectly wound the transformers on the left they two coils are wound in opposite direction so I’ll have to sort that, but another day.