First CW QSO

Last night I managed my first “proper” (i.e. not scheduled with a friend round the corner) CW QSO, I was messing around with the radio, called CQ and got ? back, called CQ again and got a response, from PA3FYE. I immediately went into a panic and pretty much forgot all of my Morse code but managed to get down the call and give a signal report, I also said “sry first cw qso” and mentioned that there was QSB. PA3FYE was very kind in putting up with my terrible code and we said our 73s and went our separate ways. It also turned out that a LICW member heard the exchange and then tried to call me afterward, but I think the QSB and me recovering from the previous QSO meant I missed it although I did copy some of his following QSO which was good practice.

This evening unfortunately after almost an hour of calling CQ I’ve heard nothing. I’m hoping that last night wasn’t just a fluke and I’ll be able to make further contacts and improve my CW on the air, after all that’s why I’m learning!

Audio Amplifier Working

Finally got the audio amplifier working, there are still some tweaks required but almost there. In the end I eventually discovered that I’d somehow killed the LM386 chip, so I replaced it, but second time round used an IC holder then slid the chip in, not making the same mistake twice!! After all of the resoldering as I disconnected and reconnected wires and components to find the issues it’s not looking pretty.

Audio Amplifier On Perfboard

Finally got round to moving the audio amplifier project on to perfboard. I actually wanted to use stripboard, but TWICE managed to order the wrong thing somehow! I really haven’t enjoyed using perfboard, I’ve been using wire-wrapping wire and have found the whole process incredible faffy and fiddly. I’ve been using small pieces of wire and offcuts of components to connect between the holes, but that again is really faffy. I’ll probably end up using perfboard again as I’ve bought a few, but wish I’d bought the stripboad.

I’m having real issues getting this to work, I’ve got very quiet audio and a lot of crackling. I’m working through the various issues at the moment, nothing like a bit of problem solving!

Audio Amplifier

This is the second module I’ve built for a direct conversion receiver based on a talk by ‘Nick the Vic’ M0NTV, it’s an audio amplifier using the LM386 chip. I decided to prototype it on breadboard and have investigated various configurations using the chip which has been a great learning experience, once I settle on a final configuration I’ll transfer it to perfboard and put it together using the potentiometers.

Oops, zapped my Auto ATU!

As I’ve documented on this website I have recently put together an Auto ATU 100 kit. The ATU works well and I’ve bought a metal case but the buttons that came with the kit aren’t great and I’ve not put the time in to cut out the case. For the time being I have been using the ATU on a plastic tupperware lid, however I’ve also been using Dupont wires and croc clips to connect to my power supply which has led to some unfortunate incidents with disconnected wires shorting to ground, in the latest incident I have unfortunately fried a small region of trace.

Everything seems to work fine, however I’m going to add a small jumper wire to replace this trace as it looks fairly dodgy. I’m hoping that I haven’t fried any components but I think I’ll have to add the two optional extra buttons to allow me to use some of the debugging features.

Joined The Long Island CW Club

I’ve now been learning morse code since the end of June and more consistently since September, over Christmas I have let it slip a bit, but still continuing to practice. After a recent talk from Howard WB2UZE I joined the Long Island CW Club, previously I’d looked into this but the timings of the beginner classes didn’t seem to suit UK times, however now I have reasonable grasp of the characters there are far more classes at times which suit and the joining price is very reasonable.

A week in I’ve really enjoyed the meetings I’ve gone to and everyone is very friendly. In hindsight I could have joined at any point and sat in on other meetings/classes as I was going through the characters, there are a number of members who do that and it’s fine not to participate but just to listen.

I look forward to continuing more meetings and improving my morse code and would thoroughly recommend anyone learning morse code to join.


As my CW has improved I’ve started to schedule QSOs with a local friend, this has been great practice. At times despite being only a mile apart the signal has been very weak, but this has been great practice, in particular when we have had QRM, nothing beats on air experience, I can really see the improvements!

Colpitts Oscillator

Quite a while a go I undertook a small project to build the Colpitts oscillator found in the RSGB intermediate book (purchased as a kit from Jab Electronic Components), despite putting it together as per the schematic I couldn’t get it to work. With help over email and zoom from Jack G3JIR and some other club members and after eventually replacing pretty much all of the parts with spares (many posted from helpful club members) and reassembling on a breadboard, hurrah I got it working!

I think that in the end it was the transistor being incorrectly wired which was the issue, despite having checked and double checked…or so I thought, but it was a long and painful process to debug, quite a learning curve as a newbie in electronics.

Finally the illusive output from the oscillator!

Passed My Full Exam!

On the 08/11/20 I took my full exam and passed gaining the new callsign G5JIM.

I’m looking forward to digging into a few areas of amateur radio now such as doing some construction work – a couple of projects I’ve been waiting to finish and get started on, spending more time learning morse code and experimenting with P25.

Learning Morse Code – A Few Months In

It’s now been a few months since I originally started learning CW and about a month and a half since my ‘restart’ after passing my intermediate exam.

This time round I decided to use G4FON after discovering that I could use it on my Mac via Wine. Part of the reason for this is that although the Chuck Adams course was good I felt that the code speed was a bit slow to start with so and I was finding myself counting, also there wasn’t really any way to work on particular characters as obviously being pre-generated files you just have to follow it through.

With G4FON you follow one of two orderings of characters up to the full 40 characters, ( a-z, 0-9 and ? , / . ), but you can choose character speed and spacing speed (actual and apparent speed) as well as choosing if the spacing speed is just for between words or each character. You can also select individual characters if you have specific characters you wish to work on.

By default the set of characters you are fed is for 5 mins, but like with everything else that can be adjusted. The aim (as per the Koch method) is to start with 2 characters, hit 90% accuracy and add another character, then hit 90% accuracy with that and so on.

The settings I started with were 25wpm character speed/15wpm spacing, but I quickly realised that this was just too fast and switched to 25/12, I made reasonable progress but was still finding it frustrating and very slow process. In the end I moved down to 25/9 and recently finally hit my 90% accuracy aim for a 5 min set of characters.

I am currently studying for my full exam so I am not practicing as much as I’d like, but I am trying to keep some practice up rather than letting it drop like before my intermediate. Hopefully before long I’ll be able to spend some more time working on Morse Code and improve my speed.