Month: July 2020

Learning Morse Code – A Month In

The last couple of weeks I’ve been fairly consistent at practicing each weekday and I’ve moved back to using the Chuck Adams K7QO course.

I had a bit of an issue when I came across two tracks which were identical which didn’t match the answers. When I emailed Chuck K7QO he pointed me to his website and the official ISO.

The new version I have got (v3) is a little different, it has 514 tracks as opposed to the 131 on the original I had, it also treats learning numbers a little differently. In the original for each number it would teach you the number (i.e. a track with just that number) and then mix it in with characters whereas in the new one teaches each number then gives you track with a combination of numbers, they aren’t mixed in with letters until you have completed learning the numbers.

I successfully read a CQ message, DE, and callsign after a significant amount of listening, but fair to say a long way to go at full speed over the radio!

I am noticing that some characters are becoming automatic when I copy, however others require more thinking and that slows me down. Just more practice needed, but with 514 tracks on the course and all the apps and resources available I’ll have no shortage of practice!

Learning Morse Code – The Second Week

Ok so the second week was less successful than the first. I got distracted by the suggestion that online invigilated Intermediate exams might be available soon and also just had a generally busier week and struggled to find that 15/20 mins without distractions before I got too tired. I have however continued on, using the Ham Morse app on my iPhone to start learning the numbers at 20wpm with word spacing at 15wpm.

I started the alphabet last week using the Chuck Adams course which gives you the letters at 17wpm at 5wpm word spacing. I’ve found it quite effective but before continuing on to words I felt like I wanted more practice of the letters at the 5wpm word spacing as I was getting a bit flustered so I’ve been using the Ham Morse app for that extra practice.

I’m going to try to keep plugging away at it, I figure even a little bit regularly all adds up!